Quitting Social Media

Social media is a big thing. Everything, from personal to business affairs can be done through social media. In fact, plenty of people gain wealth through this platform. As for me, I used it for personal reasons – getting in touch with friends, scrolling through business profiles (guilty as charged!) and to a lesser extent, to gain knowledge.

However, I have been thinking of quitting social media altogether. I’ve done social media ‘detox’ a couple of times and I just can’t deny the peace it has brought me. I’ve more time to do other things – reading, playing and most importantly, being present.

So, earlier this week, I gathered my courage and disabled my Instagram account (and deleted the other one). I must say, I am happy with my decision. I was scared of losing friends as that is possibly the only social media I am comparatively active. Soon I realised that true friends would find a way to reach me and vice versa. Of course, I would be losing a number of friends but, as such is life.

Now that I think again, what is there for me if I keep clinging on a friendship that was never strong to start with. As much as I appreciate friendship, I wouldn’t want to waste my energy trying to reach out every single person I’ve met just because, they were my friends. To simply put it, I’m fine if I’m not invited to your birthday party. Though I might get bitter if I think I’m closed with that person (work in progress, people).

Nonetheless, I am slowly stopping myself to care for what isn’t worth it. I am just happy (again) that I now have a reason for not keeping up with what everyone else is doing. I used to be this person who knows what other’s doing from their social media but I find that is just unhealthy. I mean, aren’t friends supposed to meet each other and talk about what are they up to?

Quitting also means, I get to save more money because I have reduced my screen time scrolling the business profiles. But my brain is smarter, I have now shifted to their official websites. So yes, quitting helps to reduce but not stop. Baby steps everyone, baby steps. Oh, this brings me to another quick point. I am just grateful (in this aspect) that my size isn’t available on this particular online shop. If not, I bet I’d be buying stuff from them too!

All of this adds up to my reasons for quitting social media (in the meantime, IG).

There’s this peace of mind that I gain from it. I just feel happy. Well, I might have a change of heart later but for now, this is what gives me happiness.

Just another side note, sometimes letting go of things is necessary for our well-being. I am glad I did this. I do.


It has been a solid 4 years since I met most of my pack. Yesterday, we spent 5 hours talking over food and books.

I am eternally grateful despite the years we were apart, we still talked like we always did in college. Topics of discussion changed slightly, we still talk about friends and personal things but with the addition of “how’s work?”

Truth is, I really am happy. I got to talk about my job with someone who is in the same field. It made me feel so much better.

Albeit feeling exhausted as I rushed to our meeting place after work, things were worth it. Albeit having to pay five bucks for parking ticket when I could just park for free on the roadside just like Ha did, no money could buy the time we spent together.

I didn’t realise I missed my friends so much until Dan came and hugged me. I was filled with joy.

I can’t imagine how it would be if all of us were there. The four of us were loud enough to make people stare and with the addition of the rest, we might need to book a homestay.

Tim was being Tim – loud and cheerful. She drove all the way from Seremban, without her mom’s knowledge nor internet connection. She was supposed to collect her sister’s wedding dress and went straight home but no, she made her way to see us. If that is not love, I don’t know what is.

My heart is full. So. Content.