2022: Missed The “Hindsight 20-20”

What on Earth! I haven’t posted anything since 2020?

It’s April 2022 now. But that’s fine, I guess. I started this space for me to write on my journey, and I did for awhile.

So, I think I owe myself this. I looked back at my posts, and I am surprised at the number of life moments I no longer remember or find as heartache. I remember feeling all sorts of emotions writing those, though.

Life is indeed a journey. I have changed in certain ways from who I was 2 years ago (God, has it really been 2 years since COVID-19?). I am more capable of deciding what I am and what I am not. Shamelessly, I think I am stronger too (in and out). It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Life isn’t just about a flowery path but, I guess it comes with the thorns too, or the insects if you fancy.

I don’t know if I should make any promises to commit to writing in this space. My priorities have changed and as much as I want to write, I am just occupied with other things. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Till then, may peace be upon you.